I have took some time to introduce some of my family who has helped me be who I am today.
Shirley Bush ( mother) My mom is the backbone of my family she keeps all us together. She completed 20 years in the military and raised 4 children on her own. My mom's
showed me that all things are possible when you put your mind to it. I'm the oldest child and still the most spoiled kid! My mother calls me daily because she says she is always thinking of me.
Otis Bates ( father) My dad has always been very active in my life even though he and my mother divorced when I was 3. He completed 20 years in the military and set a good example of what pursuing your passion is. My father has always said Im his little girl forever! no matter how old I get.
Ella Bates ( grandmother) My granny is the best! I was the first born grandchild and spoiled. My grandmother taught me family is important! never lose sight on that because you only have one family!. Because of that my family is so close regardless if people are still married to others, we all keep in touch.