These last 8 weeks seem to have flown by, I can't believe we are at the end of our journey. I've learned so much as each week went by.
From the development of my challenge it has made me want to see my plans come together to bridge the gap in communication when it comes to staff and families. I learned many tips and activities to get people engaged when it comes to communication.

Feedback from my fellow classmates taught me to take effective criticism. I'm very thankful for their suggestions and advice to make my capstone more effective.

Developing my Community of Practice was very informative and helped me seek outside resources to help achieve my vision and goals of effective communication within my center.

My long term goal is to continue to help with communication between staff and families, and continue to give quality care to the children in my care. I want to advance in my current center and continue to learn new skills in early childhood that I can take with me and use when I open my own center.
Good Luck to my fellow classmates, and Thank you Dr E. for your feedback as well!